Early Relational Health

Partnering With Families, Transforming Communities

Early relational health is the essential foundation for the well-being of children, families, and communities. The Center for Early Relational Health is a space for anyone working with or on behalf of young children and families to promote healthy and nurturing early relationships and to disrupt systems and structures that prevent positive early relationships from taking root. When families and community service providers form authentic and collaborative relationships that are grounded in each family’s cultural context, experiences, wisdom, and strengths, a world of opportunities can be realized to support the health, healing, and well-being for all young children and their families.

A mother joyfully holding her young daughter in a park, both smiling and laughing together.
A young girl in a pink shirt playfully using a stethoscope on a healthcare professional in blue scrubs.

The Center for Early Relational Health offers resources, tools, training, spaces for reflection and conversation, and much more, that challenge systemic inequities and embrace the unique cultural, environmental, and individual strengths we all bring to relationships.

A mother sitting on the floor of a classroom, lovingly embracing her young son as they laugh together.

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The Center for Early Relational Health is possible thanks to the powerful new partnership between Childhaven, the Washington Association for Infant Mental Health (WA-AIMH), and the Children’s Home Society of Washington, now known as Akin.