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Carmen Rosa Noroña



Carmen Rosa Noroña is the Child Trauma Clinical Services and Training Lead and the Boston Site Associate Director of the Early Trauma Treatment Network Project at the Child Witness to Violence Project at Boston Medical Center. She is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine. She is a co-developer of the Diversity-Informed Tenets Initiative for Work with Infants, Children and Families, the BMC Family Preparedness Plan for Immigrant Families and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Being Anti-Racist is Central to Trauma-informed Care: Principles Of An Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed Organization. Ms. Noroña is a member of the DC:0-5 Expert Faculty and is a national CPP trainer. Her work as an infant and early childhood mental health clinician, supervisor and consultant centers on addressing the impact of historical trauma, racism, displacement and colonization in minoritized young children and their families, the workforce serving them, and on contributing to dismantling systems of oppression.

Carmen Rosa Noroña
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