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Endorsement FAQs

What do I need to know about the exam?

You will receive resources and logistical information about the exam after you are approved to sit for it. The exam has two sections: multiple choice and essay. There are 60 questions in the multiple choice section and 1 -2 essays (depending on your level and sub-designation: Clinical, Research/Faculty, Policy) in the essay section. You will have 90 minutes to complete each section; you are allotted 3 hours for the whole exam. WA-AIMH will cover the testing center fee the first time you take the exam and you will be responsible for payment for any retakes.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam?

Applicants must submit a written request to retake the exam at least eight weeks before the exam is scheduled to be administered. The request must be sent to the Endorsement® Coordinator. Whether retaking Part One, Part Two, or both, applicants must wait at least one year before retaking the exam.

What primary topics are covered in
the multiple choice portion of the test?

The multiple choice questions are related to the knowledge and skill areas of the competencies as indicated in the Competency Guidelines.

How should I study for the exam?

Reach out to the Endorsement Coordinator ( to receive documents to assist in preparing for the Endorsement Exam.

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